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What Is 8915-F In TurboTax? Ways To Fix Common 8915-F Issues

TurboTax is a popular tax-preparation software that handles a big portion of e-filings of taxes. Many small and big organizations make use of this software to file taxes. The software is perfect for those who are qualified for free state and federal filing and need help navigating tax deductions and managing complex tax situations and forms. You also get access to expert services and can keep track of business expenses. 

You can even get a free version that supports W-2 income, interest and dividend income, child tax credit, income tax credit, and many more options. It is a versatile software providing many great features, and one of those features is the availability of form 8915-F.

We will discuss various issues related to this form and some common problems that people have been facing. Then we will provide some instructions that may help in fixing those issues. 

What Is Form 8915-F? How Do You Qualify For This Form?

8915-F is a form that the IRS requires for reporting disaster-related retirement distribution and the funds’ repayment. This option became available after 2021; prior to that, 8915-E was the available form. The option for filling this form is also available in the TurboTax software. 

Next is the criteria of qualification for this form and exemption from the early withdrawal penalty. One must meet the following standards to qualify: 

  1. There must be an eligible retirement plan for this form. These plans can be:
  • A certified annuity plan
  • Any qualified profit-sharing, pension, or stock bonus plan
  • Conventional SIMPLE, SEP, or Roth IRA 
  • Annuity plan that is tax-sheltered
  • Section 457 deferred compensation plan by the government

2. The individual receiving the distribution must be eligible. The eligible person is someone who has been affected by living in an area that was declared a disaster area by the federal government. Any distribution amount less than $100,000 is liable for tax exemption. 

Before the introduction of form 8915-F, there was a similar form 8915-E for similar which was used for disaster-affected areas before 2021. However, this form also excluded areas affected by Coronavirus, and hence form 8915-F was introduced.

Read More:- How To File 1099-K On TurboTax? A Step-By-Step Process

Common TurboTax 8915-F Issues

Even if the option of filing tax returns is available on the software, the previous data of form 8915-F becomes a hindrance at times and has been causing problems. There is also a possibility of a bug in the software that renders the filing feature disabled. Still, it is rarely the case, or it may be due to some other error as well.

There are some common errors in tax filing that people have been encountering due to their 8915-F data on TurboTax. This error usually causes rejection in filing tax returns in the software. Many of the rejections are faced by individuals related to COVID-19 distribution and are rejected by the IRS. 

There is also an issue of incorrect form filling by the software, which leads to return rejection by the IRS.

How To Resolve Issues Related To 8915-F?

If you are here, you must have been looking for a solution to get rid of those issues related to form 8915-F. Here we will share some of the fixes that might work for you. 

Rejected Return Due To 8915-F Data 

This issue has been turning up lately. The following steps may help you fix this issue:

  • You need to start by logging in to your TurboTax account. 
  • Now click on the “Search” option and search for “1099-R,” and then select “Jump to “1099-R.”
  • Answer “No” if you don’t have a 1099-R to the question “Did you get a 1099-R in 2022?”
  • Now you will see a question saying: “Have you ever taken a disaster distribution before 2022?”. You should answer “Yes” to that question.
  • Answer “Yes” to the next question as well. 
  • You will see a box with the option “If this was a coronavirus-related distribution in 2020, check here”. Uncheck that option if it was checked, and then proceed with “Continue.”
  • Leave the portion blank which asks for the disaster that affected you in 2020, then go back.
  • Now check the box that was initially left unchecked that asked for distribution related to Coronavirus. 

Check if you are now able to file returns. If this method doesn’t work, you can try deleting form 8915-F. Here are the steps to delete the form:

  • You will see the option “Tax Tools” in the menu. Select “Tools” from that option. 
  • A window popup will appear in the Tool Center, where you can see the Delete form option. 
  • Select “Form 8915-F” and delete it. Also, delete “Qualified 2020 Disaster Retirement Distr” and follow the steps mentioned above. 

Tax Form 8915-F Rejected By IRS

Filling out form 8915-F is a requirement for users who take only COVID Relief Retirement plan distribution and pay off in a span of 3 years. 

However, the software fills out options automatically, which causes an error, and the form gets rejected due to incorrect filling of the form in line (C). You can follow the process mentioned below and check if it solves the issue. 

  • Start with deleting 8915-E and delete both forms of you and your spouse (if you are married).
  • After deleting both forms, check if Form 8915-F is still there or not. If it is still there, double-check to ensure that the 8915-E forms are gone.  
  • Once both the forms are gone, clear cookies and cache data to ensure that 8915 is deleted completely. 

If there is still no resolution to the issue, you probably need an expert support service that might help you get to the root of the problem and resolve it.


Contact a TurboTax support service if none of the instructions seem to work for you, as there may be a possibility of some other technical error or bug in the software. 

You can also check out the support services provided by MWJ Consultancy for quick and affordable resolution. We have a team of professionals providing support services to resolve various technical issues in TurboTax software. You can also get support for softwares such as QuickBooks, Quicken, and many others. 

To get a free consultation, get in touch with one of our experts by sending us a mail at  or calling us at +1 877 469 0928.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, form 8915-F is available in TurboTax software. 

While the form is available on TurboTax, you can also find the form on the official website of the IRS. They also have instructions and eligibility requirements for filling out the forms.

The form 8915-F had a release date of 23 February. However, it was later shifted to 9 March 2023. As of now, the form is already available on relevant platforms. 

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